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ABC Newsline

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) announced the winners of the National Craft Championships, the 2016 National Safety Awards, the National Diversity Excellence Awards and the Excellence in Construction® Awards during its annual conference Workforce Week ’17 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Workforce Week is ABC's annual celebration of the best in merit shop construction, recognizing the contributions of members, chapters and craft professionals to the construction industry and their dedication to excellence.

ABC congratulated the winners of its 30th annual National Craft Championships competition during the March 3 Careers in Constructions awards held during the association’s Workforce Week Conference, Feb, 28-March 3, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

ABC’s 2016 National Craft Championships (NCC) gold medalists were honored before an audience of more than 40,000 at a July 1 baseball game at Nationals Park in Washington, D.C. Before the game, the champions and their families were given all-access passes to the field and were able to watch batting practice, followed by a picnic hosted by ABC in the fairgrounds just outside the stadium. As spectators filed into the stadium, the champions stood on the field while their names were announced over the public address system—recognizing them, their companies and their NCC gold medals during the pre-game ceremony. 

ABC congratulated the winners of its 2016 National Craft Championships competition during the March 4 Careers in Constructions awards held during the association’s Workforce Development Conference, March 1-4, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 

The National Craft Championships (NCC) is seeing an overwhelming demand for the 2016 competition and intents-to-compete currently number more than 200. With the intent deadline immediately following the busy Thanksgiving holiday, the NCC Committee wants to ensure all chapters and contractors have the opportunity to participate and is extending the deadline to Dec. 15. Some competitions may already have reached their maximum, so contact Lisa Nardone for wait-list information. 

Do your apprentices and craft trainees have what it takes to win the national title of ABC Craft Champion? The 2016 National Craft Championships (NCC) intent-to-compete deadline is around the corner; get your forms in before Dec. 1 to participate in the 2016 NCC in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., March 1-4.

Do your apprentices and craft trainees have what it takes to win the national title of ABC Craft Champion? The 2016 National Craft Championships (NCC) is accepting competitor applications now.

The Intent to Compete forms for the 2016 National Craft Championships (NCC) are now available online for ABC members and chapters who think their apprentices and craft trainees have what it takes to win the national title of ABC Craft Champion. The competition will take place March 1-4 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., in conjunction with ABC’s Workforce Conference and Intent to Compete forms are due by Dec. 1, 2015. 

In front of a sold-out crowd of more than 41,000 people, the 2015 National Craft Champions stood on the Washington Nationals field July 3 and were honored for their hard work as trained craftsmen. The crowd cheered them on while the ABC logo spread across the stadium, showcasing the theme of the night—free enterprise and freedom.

ABC congratulated the winners in its 2015 National Craft Championships competition during the March 6 Careers in Constructions awards held during the association’s Workforce Development, March 3-6, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 
