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The Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards Aug. 3 published a proposed rule for the implementation of Executive Order 13496 that requires federal contractors and subcontractors to post a notice aimed at informing employees of their rights to join or not join a union.   

Executive Order 13496, signed by President Obama Jan. 30, repealed existing Executive Order 13201, often referred to as the “Beck Order,” that required contractors to inform employees of their right to refuse to pay union dues that would be spent on earmarks for non-collective bargaining activities, including politics and lobbying.   

In addition to specifying the wording of the notice, the proposed regulations would require the notice to be posted in a place where employees would be likely to see it, including on internal portions of company websites.   

ABC is reviewing the proposed regulations and will be submitting comments expressing concerns with the proposed rule, as well as general opposition to posting the requirement.  The deadline for filing comments is Sept. 2, 2009.  

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