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Every year, senior development professionals and governments working in the public and private sector come together for an educational three-day conference to discuss complex issues surrounding public-private partnerships (P3s).  Next year’s Public-Private Conference & Expo (P3C), one of the largest gatherings of development professionals in the country, takes place on March 7-9 at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas. The agenda at this year’s conference features several talks about infrastructure related development and P3s.

Join ABC and a growing list of industry professionals in Dallas, Texas, Feb. 23-25, for the annual Public-Private Partnership Conference (P3C), one of the largest gatherings of government and industry development professionals in the country.  The conference will host more than 750 owners, industry executives, key decision-makers, and more than 100 speakers for three days of in-depth learning, business development, and networking opportunities to address the critical principles behind successful public-private partnerships (P3).  

During the inaugural P3s for Public Buildings Summit Nov. 17-18 in Miami, Fla., the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) and the Performance Based Building Coalition (PBBC) will team up to educate stakeholders about developing and financing  public-private partnerships (P3s) for public buildings,  understanding federal policy challenges and solutions, forecasting the future of the P3 marketplace and highlighting specific examples of successful P3 projects.

President Obama is expected to sign into law H.R. 3080, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) next week that would authorize an array of large-scale federal water infrastructure projects including port improvements, environmental restorations and more than 20 new Army Corps of Engineers projects.

The Public-Private Partnership Alliance announced the agenda for its 2014 National Conference for Public-Private Partnerships (P3C 2014), which will be held Feb. 24-25 in Dallas, Texas. As one of the largest events combining public planners, economic developers and A/E/C professionals, the second annual conference will bring together top industry decision makers to address the most relevant and pressing issues faced in public-private partnerships.

In response to the House-Senate Conference meeting on the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (H.R. 3080) and the Water Resources Development Act (S. 601), ABC Jan. 7 sent a letter to members of Congress thanking them for recognizing the importance of our nation’s water infrastructure and for moving forward with the first Water Resource Reauthorization bill since 2007. However, ABC also expressed concern that the proposed Senate bill would expand Davis Bacon requirements and exclude a public-private partnership (P3s) program.

As part of ABC’s partnership with the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) to educate lawmakers and the construction industry about the benefits of public-private partnerships (P3s), ABC South Texas Chapter is sponsoring a conference Sept. 11, in Austin, Texas.

As part of ABC’s partnership with the National Council for Public-Private Partnerships (NCPPP) to educate lawmakers and the construction industry about the benefits of public-private partnerships (P3s), ABC is sponsoring a conference June 27 at the Baltimore-Washington International Airport Hilton that will address Maryland’s recently enacted law and other state and local laws enabling P3s. Register now and view the agenda featuring Md. Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown (D) here:
