ABC Cares

From monthly archives: February 2016

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'February 2016'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

ABC Baltimore: Working for the betterment of the communities in which they work

ABC, headquartered in Washington, DC., will forever be intrinsically linked to the city of Baltimore. In 1950, seven contractors gathered in Baltimore, to create an association based on the shared belief that construction projects should be awarded on merit to the most qualified and responsible low bidders. Now 65 years later, with 70 ABC chapters and nearly 21,000 chapter members nationwide, ABC of Greater Baltimore was faced with a challenge. 

Last spring, when unrest was tearing apart the city of Baltimore, President of ABC Baltimore, Mike Henderson decided to survey the 70 ABC chapters across the country. Asking them what they thought about Baltimore before the riots and what they thought afterward. Their perception of Baltimore prior to the events of April was very positive. Most had been there before and had good memories. Their perception after the unrest was equally negative. It was clear that Baltimore’s brand, as a city, had been severely damaged.
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