ABC Cares

From monthly archives: June 2013

We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'June 2013'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.

ABC Gets Dirty for a Good Cause

The ABC Eastern Pennsylvania chapter joined more than 6,000 other runners in early June as they took part in the largest MuckFest for MS event of the year in Philadelphia, Pa.
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Building on Hope

Building on Hope, Concord, N.H., was founded in 2010 to improve the facilities of local nonprofits by partnering with builders, architects and designers, and to serve members of the surrounding community. Warrenstreet Architects, a member of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) New Hampshire/Vermont Chapter, was one of five companies that founded Building on Hope, which works with the local construction industry to provide physical improvements to the nonprofit chosen for the project. 
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Update: ABC Supports Oklahoma Tornado Victims

As of June 11, ABC chapter staff, members and ABC National staff have raised more than $10,000 to support the individuals and their families affected by the devastating tornadoes in Oklahoma through the co-branded ABC-American Red Cross donation website. 

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