Associated Builders and Contractors
Conference Presentation Submission Form
 General Speaker Information

 Past Experience & Feedback

 Program Title/Type

 Program Abstract


Outline/Description should be lengthy enough to give the reviewers an understanding of your program session. It should also address the following points:
  • Goals of presentation.
  • Relationship of the program to the conference themes
  • Identification of the program format (e.g., lecture, panel, debate) including methods for participant involvement (e.g., discussion, effective practice sharing, case study analysis)
  • Evidence of the conceptual foundation for proposal content including ways the program content is grounded in research, relevant experience, a cogent model, or appropriate theory

Background of Presenters/Familiarity of Topic

Which audience does your session apply to most? (Select all that apply)

Audio/Visual Requirements

Please indicate the equipment and supplies you will need. Note: due to the significant cost of audio-visual equipment,
any A/V needs beyond LCD projectors and screens will be the responsibility of the presenter(s). As a reminder, we do not provide adapters, so you must come prepared for your presentation with your own adapter should you need one.

Presenter 2 

If your presentation is a panel discussion, please provide the required information for all presenters included. 

Presenter 3 

Presenter 4 

Presenter 5 

Speaker Fee 

ABC has a tradition of using educational conference sessions as a platform for innovation in the construction industry. We look for contributors who are willing to share their expertise in the spirit of networking, without expectation of
payment--a purpose for which ABC was founded. Should you request payment, please provide fee amount below along with any additional comments.

Confirmation of Program Information 

Please review all information carefully before submitting. The text submitted for the Program Title, Program Abstract, and Outline/Description will be used in the conference program if the program is selected.