Contract Document Resource Center

Construction contracts plays a fundamental role in an ABC members’ risk management as a general contractor. To learn about different contract types, click here. ABC participates in drafting ConsensusDocs standard construction contracts, and proudly endorses them as a founding member of the ConsensusDocs Coalition.


ConsensusDocs publishes a comprehensive catalog of 110+ standard construction documents that cover all your contract document needs including Design-Build, General Contracting, Lean, CM at Risk and Prefabrication. ConsensusDocs are the only standard construction contracts developed by a diverse coalition of 41 leading associations, with members from all stakeholders in the design and the construction industry. ConsensusDocs contracts incorporate best practices and fairly allocate risk to help reduce costly contingencies and adversarial negotiations. All parties in a construction project deserve to work under a fair and balanced contract – one in which their interests are represented during the drafting process. ConsensusDocs contracts protect the best interests of the project rather than a singular party, yielding better project results and fewer disputes.

As one of the founding Coalition organizations, a portion of revenue generated from ABC members subscribing to ConsensusDocs is shared back to ABC.

Click here to learn more

Save Transactional Costs and Time
- Begin projects with industry standard contracts that have strong owner input to avoid drafting and negotiating the same one-sided terms.

Avoid Inflated Project Prices
- Studies show risk-shifting clauses easily increase prices by 20%; fair contracts avoid inflated contingencies.

Establish Positive Working Relationships
- Direct communications encourage positive relationships that help focus on project results, not assessing blame.

Prevent, Mitigate, and Resolve Disputes
- Innovative dispute resolution and mitigation procedures provide strong financial incentives to resolve issues early.

Owners Sit in the Driver’s Seat
- Owners are active participants not just check-signers for their project. Utilizing BIM, IPD, and Lean

- Cutting-edge contracts address the latest industry innovations which come with new responsibilities. A Balanced Approach to Consequential Damages
- A mature approach to consequential and liquidated damages provides strong financial incentives for performance.

Building a Better Way for Better Project Results
- Through fair and balanced risk allocation, owners attract the best team for better project results!

The ConsensusDocs Technology Platform offers you the following advantages:

24/7 Access
- Access your documents anytime from anywhere via our new secure cloud - based system.

Easy to Edit
- If you know how to use MS Word®, you know how to customize ConsensusDocs contracts.

Easy to Collaborate
- Invite anyone to collaborate on your contract for free - you control editing rights.

Create Favorites
- Create "Favorites" from ConsensusDocs contracts that have been modified to meet your unique needs.

Convert & Compare
- Upload and convert your own documents. Easily see changes from one document version to another.

Free Guidance
- User instructions are embedded within the contracts and reference the free ConsensusDocs Guidebook.

Click here to schedule a platform demonstration with a ConsensusDocs salesperson.

Members must enter the following code, "J8FU2DW8", when placing an order to receive the discount, which ConsensusDocs will verify against the approved ABC member list. Click here to start subscribing today. (live link to signup page)

Click here to sign up for the free ConsensusDocs Construction Law Newsletter.

Click here for ConsensusDocs ‘on-demand’ webinars.

Click here for 3 free sample contract downloads.

Click here to GET STARTED with ConsensusDocs today.

*ABC has made these program discounts available to members so they can choose which contract document program is right for them. ABC does not give legal advice to members on contract document issues and recommends that its members carefully evaluate any particular contract document on the basis of what is most suitable for their individual needs.