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On March 1, ABC President and CEO Mike Bellaman joined members of Congress, senior committee staff, key industry stakeholders and top administration officials for discussions on the challenges of writing and passing a package to revitalize America’s infrastructure.

Bellaman provided analysis of the viability of public private partnerships during a panel discussion. He said that an infrastructure package must follow three rules in order to reward projects that create taxpayer value and be successful. Projects must be affordable (lower costs by 10 percent to 20 percent), create value (ensuring that the project generates income) and financeable (economically sustainable).

Bellaman was joined by Jim Ray, special advisor to the secretary of transportation; Chris Vieson, deputy staff director for the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and Angela Styles, a partner at Bracewell LLP focusing on government contracting. The event was hosted by Bracewell LLP’s Policy Resolution Group in the Hart Building of the U.S. Senate.    
