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As part of an effort to expand its existing Lead Paint Renovation and Repair Painting rule to include public and commercial buildings, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Dec. 6 proposed to issue a related information collection request (ICR) to general contractors. As part of the Commercial Properties Coalition, ABC submitted comments Feb. 4 offering suggestions related to the scope and clarity of the questions in the ICR and the burden it will place on respondents with respect to time and cost. The coalition stated “the agency must minimize the response burden on the public (including small businesses) in collecting data, such as by coordinating with the federal buildings community to provide information sought by the ICR.” 

If EPA receives approval to issue the survey, it could be sent out as early as this spring. Although the EPA moved this rulemaking to long term action on its last regulatory agenda, this ICR shows that the agency is still taking steps to a rulemaking. 

EPA’s existing Lead Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting rule went into effect in April 2010 and requires contractors performing renovation, repair and painting projects that disturb more than six feet of lead-based paint in most pre-1978 homes, child care facilities and schools to be certified and follow specific work practices to prevent lead poisoning. 
