Component 23 – 2
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ABC members and chapters that attend the Institute for Leadership and Professional Development will learn world-class leadership skills that can be used throughout any organization. This year’s Institute will be held Nov. 13-15 in Austin, Texas. Register now at

Focus on those skills during sessions in the leadership track, including:

  • Strategic Planning for Construction Companies;
  • Key Principles in Building an Enduring Organization;
  • Essential Communication Strategies for Leaders;
  • Essentials of Peak Leadership;
  • Strategic and Tactical Organization Planning;
  • The Physics of High Performance Leadership; and
  • Leading Change

Other tracks at the ABC Institute will cover ethics and accountability, talent management, recruitment and retaining, governance, and planning programs and organizations. To read the session descriptions, download the advance program in PDF format.

To help attendees craft their perfect experience, each individual will take a self-assessment to pin point their strengths and weaknesses. Then attendees will be given a customized schedule to fit their needs. Contractors will learn about contract negotiations, workers’ compensation strategies, strategic planning, and union campaigns. Chapters will learn about securing the future of their chapter, diversity, best practices, social media techniques and more.

To take advantage of this leadership development opportunity or for more information, visit
