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U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary R. Alexander Acosta was sworn in on April 28, giving President Trump a full cabinet just ahead of his 100th day in office. ABC President and CEO Michael Bellaman congratulated Secretary Acosta in a statement released shortly after he was confirmed by the U.S. Senate and committed to working with DOL to address the needs of the construction industry. 

 “Associated Builders and Contractors looks forward to working with Secretary Acosta to accomplish the U.S. Department of Labor’s vital mission of ensuring the safety, equitable treatment and advancement of all American workers without needlessly hindering economic growth. ABC and our 21,000 members look forward to partnering with DOL to develop a plan to fill the construction industry’s well-documented shortage of skilled labor with American job seekers. We are eager to work with Secretary Acosta to advance policies that expand job training opportunities, create safe and healthy jobsites and grow the American economy.”
