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ABC showed its support for veterans and Hurricane Sandy survivors Nov. 6 when the Free Enterprise Alliance announced it sponsored veteran Matt Runyon, El Segundo, Calif., as he joined Team Rubicon’s relief efforts.

Team Rubicon is an organization that uses the skills of veterans and medical professionals to offer support to victims of disasters.  Because natural disasters present many of the same problems that confront troops in Iraq and Afghanistan – unstable populations, limited resources and horrific sights, sounds and smells – the skills cultivated on battlefields are invaluable in disaster zones. Team Rubicon repurposes those skills to solve two problems: inadequate disaster response and poor veteran reintegration. 

Through ABC’s support, Runyon was deployed to join more than 100 other veterans in helping victims in the New York and New Jersey area.

Runyon, originally from Akron, Ohio, served in Iraq from 2007-2008 with the 56th MP Company. Since his return, he has raised more than $10,000 and has participated in multiple local projects, but this will be his first deployment with Team Rubicon. Runyon used his vacation days to provide a week of service.

Donations for Team Rubicon are accepted through, and 100 percent of those donations go to support work in the field. For more information, visit the website,  


More images of the mission are available at
