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On Nov. 5, ABC submitted comments to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration requesting a 60-day extension for the public to submit feedback on its advance notice of proposed rulemaking for Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings, which will begin the process to consider a heat-specific workplace rule. ABC also requested comment extensions as a member of the Construction Industry Safety Coalition and Coalition for Workplace Safety.

Currently, the public will have the opportunity to submit comments on the rulemaking, which applies to indoor and outdoor worksites in general industry, construction, agriculture and maritime industries where potential heat-related hazards exist, through Dec. 27. However, ABC said in its comments that issues surrounding heat injury and illness prevention are complex and thus, the 60-day comment period is not enough time to gather substantive feedback.

The letter states, “The ANPRM has 114 questions that are intended to solicit information on the topics related to assessing the nature and magnitude of occupational illness, injuries and fatalities occurring due to hazardous heat; how hazardous heat exposure and risk varies across industries, occupations and job tasks; how business size may influence the practices and interventions implemented to prevent heat-related injuries and illnesses and the challenges experienced by businesses of varying sizes; and more. Providing only 60 days to submit this critical information to OSHA is insufficient, particularly given the volume and wide range of data and information the agency is seeking.”

ABC is currently reviewing the heat illness ANPRM and plans to submit comments on behalf of its contractor members.

ABC will continue to provide updates on this rulemaking in Newsline.
