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The Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a report Oct. 25 showing relatively unchanged numbers for on-the-job injuries and illnesses among construction workers in 2011. This marks the third consecutive year these numbers have remained steady. 

According to BLS, the construction industry saw 3.9 injury or illnesses for every 100 workers in 2011, compared to 4 in 2010. 

As part of its goal to achieve zero-incidence jobsites in which every workers goes home safely to his or her family at the end of the day, ABC and its members are working to drive the construction toward world-class safety. 

As a step toward this goal, ABC founded the Construction Coalition for a Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace (CCDAFW) with five of the nation’s largest construction trade associations. CCDAFW urges construction-related firms and organizations to sign an online pledge signifying they will create and maintain a workplace free from substance abuse. To sign the pledge and view CCDAFW resources, visit

ABC also works to achieve its safety goal through the Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP), which helps members evaluate their safety programs to better protect employees and improve productivity.  STEP provides a benchmark system in 20 key components of an effective safety program to create the safest work environment possible. 

STEP Plus, which currently is under development, takes the core concepts of ABC’s industry-revolutionizing STEP and provides a road map to progress – from basic safety compliance to a culture in which safety is the core value. The STEP Plus program centers on four key phases: leadership commitment, cultural transformation, safety systems and processes, and long-term results and monitoring. STEP plus will be available to ABC members in fall 2013.
