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As a part of the Partnership for a Better Energy Future (the Partnership), ABC and other business organizations representing more than 80% of the U.S. economy, submitted comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) arguing that its proposed power plant rule, also known as the Clean Power Plan (CPP), is not compatible with numerous practical and technical aspects of America’s electricity system. 

In order to foster continued growth and take full advantage of our nation’s energy potential, the Partnership urged EPA to withdraw the rule and instead use a comprehensive energy approach to support the continued provision of reliable and affordable electricity. The comments also stated that the CPP would vastly expand the agency’s regulatory reach into the authority held by states and other federal regulatory agencies. 

Additional arguments made by the Partnership in opposition to the rule include:

  • The U.S. needs an “all-of-the-above” energy strategy
  • The CPP will increase energy prices
  • Reliability concerns will be exacerbated by EPA’s regulations
  • The administration’s approach to greenhouse gas (GHG) regulations will drive manufacturing to less efficient countries and potentially result in an increase of global emissions
  • Will have additional global implications, including increased costs, while failing to meaningfully reduce carbon emissions
  • The proposed regulation sets a troubling precedent for future regulation of other sectors
  • Recent polling indicates Americans across the nation do not support the EPA’s approach
The Partnerships comments to EPA can be read in full here and more information about the EPA’s Clean Power Plan can be read online.
