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The Construction Industry Safety Coalition recently released an updated COVID-19 Prevention, Preparedness and Response Plan for Construction. ABC, a member of the CISC Steering Committee, encourages its members to review the plan, which includes the latest protective measures and guidance on keeping workers safe on jobsites.

The plan outlines the steps that construction employers and employees can take to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19, such as protective measures to take on the jobsite, personal protective equipment and work practice controls to be used, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, and what to do if a worker becomes sick.

Recent updates to the plan include:

  • New guidance on the use of face coverings, including masks and cloth coverings (bandanas, etc.);
  • A new section, Guidance for Critical Infrastructure Employers, based on new CDC guidance;
  • Specific procedures for screening and allowing visitors onto job sites;
  • An appendix on the procedures for monitoring the temperature of workers, including next steps if a high fever is found; and
  • Additional guidance on ride sharing and the use of common drinking and eating sources.

The updated language is shown in red, and the resources are structured so any construction company can download and tailor them to their own work and jobsites.

Additional resources related to this plan include:

  • A template letter for essential industry employees who are traveling to construction jobsites;
  • An employee notification letter if a confirmed case of COVID-19 occurs at work;
  • A COVID-19 checklist for employers and employees; and
  • A COVID-19 toolbox training talk.

You can read about other recent CISC actions here:

CISC represents associations from all sectors of the construction industry.

For additional COVID-19 information, see ABC’s Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources.
