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For merit shop business leaders, ABC’s first annual Peer Group Conference will offer a chance to learn from and work with like-minded business owners to advance the success and profitability of your company. Attendees of the conference, both existing peer group members and those interested in joining, will have the opportunity to take part in topic-based education sessions, roundtable discussions and networking events. 

ABC members who are currently registered with the national Peer Group program can attend the conference for free and members who are looking to join a peer group can receive free registration once they have registered for the program and paid the $250 initiation fee.

What is the peer group program?
Peer groups consist of six to 10 ABC member companies within a trade or interest area and with similar annual revenues. Members in the same peer group do not operate in the same competitive market, which fosters trust and an open exchange of information. 

How can you get involved?
Already registered for the peer group program? Register for the Peer Group Conference online for free and reserve your spot. Otherwise, follow these steps to get involved in the program:

  1. Complete the peer group program profile form
  2. Pay the $250 initiation fee
  3. Sign up for the Peer Group Conference at no charge
For more information on the peer group program, visit To see the full agenda for the peer group conference and to register, visit
