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Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) released a four-phase plan on reopening the state’s economy that permitted construction, along with manufacturing, to resume operations on May 18. Businesses in other industries are scheduled to reopen incrementally, with restrictions and limitations, as outlined in the administration’s plan.

The state also released supplemental guidance that construction sites must follow as they begin reopening. The guidance includes measures designed to limit exposure, identify infections and respond to infections.

While construction was considered essential at the state level by Gov. Baker, numerous towns and cities across the state implemented more restrictive measures that shut down essentially all construction, including Boston. After the reopening announcement, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh announced it would lift the restriction on construction projects provided that contractors submit and receive approval on a COVID-19 safety plan. Other localities, such as Somerville, announced a longer timeline for reopening construction beyond what was outlined by the administration.

ABC will continue to provide more information on reopening construction jobsites in Newsline.
