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ABC General Counsel Maury Baskin and ABC National Director of Legislative & Political Affairs Liam Donovan will hold important webinars that will breakdown the post-election political and regulatory landscape Nov. 9 and Nov. 10 respectively.

2016 has been the wildest and most unpredictable campaign season in recent memory. Donovan will sort through the results and analyze what they mean for ABC and its priorities heading into 2017.

In 2016, several final rules were issued by the Obama administration that will negatively impact ABC member companies. Baskin will provide an overview of the final rules as well as an update on ABC legal challenges. In addition, he will discuss the election results and what ABC members should expect under a new administration regarding potential, legislative and regulatory actions in 2017.

2016 Regulatory Roundup and What to Expect Under a New Administration in 2017 with ABC General Counsel Maury Baskin, 3 p.m. EST, Wed. Nov. 9.

ABC Post-Election Recap with ABC National Director of Legislative & Political Affairs Liam Donovan, 2 p.m. EST, Thurs. Nov. 10.
