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ABC on Sept. 13 at 2 p.m. (ET) is offering a free webinar titled, “Construction Industry Compliance with Federal Wage and Hour Laws: Increasing Pressure on Employers.” This webinar is for members only. Register here.

The U.S. Department of Labor has announced new enforcement initiatives targeting the construction industry, and a large number of private collective actions have been filed in the federal courts. During the webinar, ABC General Counsel Maurice Baskin, Esq., of Venable, LLP will provide guidance to ABC member employers on the most common areas of legal exposure under the federal wage and hour law, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

This webinar is designed to help ABC members: identify the most common area of legal exposure under the FLSA; get guidance on wage and hour compliance issues; and learn how to properly classify workers, how to calculate overtime, how to record hours of work, and other important aspects of the FLSA. For more information, visit the ABC webinar website.
