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Project registration is now open for ABC’s 25th Annual National Excellence in Construction (EIC) Awards and this year it’s easier than ever to show off the projects you’re most proud of. The EIC awards honor innovative and high-quality merit shop construction projects and safety programs, and walking away a winner will set your company apart from the competition.

What Projects are Eligible?

  • Projects that win the equivalent of an Eagle or Pyramid at your chapter's most recent competition are eligible for a 2014 National Excellence in Construction award.
  • If your chapter is not holding a competition in 2014, email [email protected]. Your best project of the year may still be eligible to enter at the national level.
  • Work on the project being submitted must be complete by Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2014.
This year, project submissions are moving to an online platform which you can begin now, save, and revisit later to finish before the due date. Projects must be registered using the online form by Oct. 31 and must be finalized and submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Nov. 24.

The judges are looking for attractive presentations, so take the time to make your scope and narrative pleasing to the eye. To see how it all works, watch this video.

The 25th EIC Awards program will highlight ABC member companies who demonstrate leadership, innovation and safety in the construction industry in March 2015 in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Resources to help you with your application are posted online, and you can send any questions you have to [email protected]. Please note that binder entries will not be accepted.
