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Construction jobsites in Vermont, which had been gradually reopening over the last few weeks, resumed full operation on Monday, May 11, under revised guidance from the state. The Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development released construction-specific requirements that contractors must follow as workers return to jobsites. For example, businesses that ceased operations for seven or more days during the state of emergency and have more than 10 employees at a jobsite must complete a restart and training plan to maintain safe workplaces.

The status of construction operations in Vermont has rapidly evolved over the last two weeks. Initially, Gov. Phil Scott (R) released a plan that allowed up to two workers on jobsites, which was revised on May 4 to allow up to five total workers per site. Citing a slowdown in the growth rate of COVID-19 cases, the most recently revised guidance from the state allows full operations to resume “with as few employees as necessary,” according to ACCD.

The new safety precautions and projects restarts are welcome news for the construction industry in Vermont, where all projects other than those “necessary to support COVID-19 response and maintain critical infrastructure" were shut down under the governors’ stay-at-home order.

ABC will provide the latest information on reopening construction sites in Newsline.
