Component 23 – 2
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The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is hosting a webinar May 21 at 11 a.m. (ET) on the “Liability of Construction Managers,” and is offering ABC members their member rate of $29.99.

This webinar will explore the unique features of AIA’s Construction Manager Advisor (CMa) and Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) documents, which are part of a family of documents suited for projects where the owner wants the additional expertise or other resources that an independent construction manager can provide. 

Use of the CMa documents may be appropriate when the owner’s project incorporates a fourth prime player—the construction manager—on the construction team (owner, architect and contractor) to act as an independent adviser on construction management matters through the course of both design and construction. Use of the CMc may be appropriate when the owner’s project employs a construction manager who will not only provide construction management services, but also complete the construction of the project. 

During the webinar, attendees will:

  • Become familiar with the AIA Construction Manager as Adviser (CMa) and Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) documents.
  • Understand the contractual relationships between the various parties that define the responsibilities, authority and expectations of each in order to minimize confusion, misunderstandings and project delays.
  • Discover how the architect’s duties during both design and construction differ from traditional processes when the owner retains a construction manager.
  • Understand the specialized general conditions associated with the owner/contractor agreement when there is also a construction manager serving as an independent advisor.
In addition, ABC members can take advantage of the discounts on AIA contract documents through ABC’s Business Partner program. Learn more here:  
